Agent M.
Show(s): Postcards from the Wasteland Fridays 4pm to 6pm Eastern
Bringing you the songs you'd forgotten you loved and the ones you never knew you needed to hear.
If the motto of the police is "To Protect and Serve", Agent M's motto is "To Project and Observe." What better way to understand the human beings than by immersion in their music? What deeper understanding can come from knowing all the words to "Louie Louie"? What does it say about this world that more people know the words to "Baby Shark" than know even one of Shakespeare's sonnets? What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about? Travel along with Agent M to see if we can unravel these mysteries together!

Joining Agent M on an irregular basis is Cap'n Scott of the Interstellar Submarine Service to bring you dispatches from way out beyond the beyond.