The Dream Log

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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Thu Oct 14, 2021 4:50 am

Somehow, I end up watching a video of a helicopter exploding over my old neighborhood. But this video is actually some kind of satellite footage, which enables me to zoom in, zoom out, and move around the general area of the explosion, where I find that there's somebody with some sort of rocket launcher firing at the helicopter before the explosion. I'm able to use the zoom to clearly see the face of the person firing it, the writing on the barrel of the weapon they're using, and they're next to a truck with a company name on it. I look the company up and find out that the person that owns it is in fact the same person who's firing the weapon. I also find out that the person has an extensive criminal record.

For some reason, I decide to report this information to the HR team of my company, who of course show little interest. When that doesn't go anywhere, I report it to several law enforcement agencies, who also seem to be unconcerned. While on a trip somewhere with Twitches, I leave the hotel when she's asleep, and go to a warehouse nearby registered to the company of the person with the rocket launcher. I snoop around outside but leave when I realize there are security cameras.

Seemingly the same way I found the person with the rocket launcher, he's able to use the security footage to figure out who I am, and makes several unsuccessful attempts on my life. At some point I even go to one of those iNews Investigation Teams ("We're on your side!) for help, but they also tell me to kick rocks. This goes on for years and he eventually is able to kill me when my guard's down or I just don't feel like thwarting him anymore.
I report to the building of my new job downtown. It's in a building marked Discount Office Space. I meet my new boss in the lobby, and before the tour starts she lets me know that I'll be able to get my badge sometime later in the day, so if I need to leave the building before I get my badge, there are very specific instructions that I must follow to get back in. I barely pay half attention to these instructions because I'm looking around this very small, white, part crystal part snow lobby.

We proceed onto the elevator to the second floor, and I'm shown the relatively small area that we operate out of. Two items of note is that there are no bathrooms in the building at all, but I can go to the building next door and use theirs. Also, there's a row of computers in an alcove with an MMORPG installed that co-workers can, and often do, use throughout the day just to take a break and blow off some steam.

I pretty quickly join some colleagues who are playing the game and just walk around the environment. I notice a couple of dorm-style doors, one of them all decorated with the name Norman Cook. I try to enter the room but it's locked. Norman then opens the door and makes typical non-sensical AI conversation with me. Later, I meet an AI woman in the game who mentions that she knows Norman, and we go to his dorm. He opens the door welcomingly and invites us in, where all of the typical mission-starting conversations get under way.

I have to go to the bathroom so I leave the building and go next door. That's a whole ordeal finding where the bathrooms are (I'm not 100% I ever found them), and I return to the lobby of my work building. I of course don't remember the instructions I was given to get back to the work area. In addition to the obvious elevators in the lobby, there are also stairs. I decide to use the stairs since my office is only one floor up. However, when I enter the stairwell, it's unlike anything I've ever seen. It's huge with black granite floors. There are two green spiral staircases, both seeming to go nowhere. And there are children training for some kind of government assassination program. I go up one of the staircases and somebody observing the training yells at me that I'm supposed to use the... word that I can't remember and one that had no root in the English language that I could connect. I assumed it meant I was supposed to use the other green spiral staircase so I walked down the one I was on, and started up the other one, at which point I believe I woke up.
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:34 am

From Redneck Vixen's Facebook page (to prove I'm not the only fucked up one!!)
Had a dream last night that was so weird, I have to save it for posterity.

I was on a plane, in a long sleeved shirt with the Danzig logo, fucking around on my phone, with my cat under the seat in front of me. Look up, and see Glenn sitting in the middle seat next to me (I had the window (which I wouldn't do if I actually had Cooper with me, btw).

I tried making small talk without coming off like a douchey fan. I was showing him videos of the feral cats I take care of, and even though I wad WEARING A DANZIG SHIRT, not acknowledging that I knew full well who he was. Anyway, I was getting up the balls to show him the Danzig costume, when an announcement came that we wete going to be making an emergency landing.

He gets up and goes over to the galley and starts flirting with the FAs while I'm watching. They tell him to go back to his seat and strap in. Instead, he walks over to the jumpseats and says he wants to sit there. He straps in, and I overhear him talking with the FAs, who tell him that the landing should be smooth, but that we are diverted and will be landing on an island.

I specifically remember him telling the FAs that he hates to fly and that there are 8 cats on board. Then he starts just singing Jesse Dayton songs. Being me, I start humming along in my seat, and he snaps his head up, and asks me what I think I know about country music.

And I turn into THAT GIRL, staring him in the eyes, and lay into him about Jesse and about my ties to Nashville, Elvis' family, etc. "Hell, I even listen to YOUR music, so quit being such a fucking gatekeeper" He starts laughing and goes, "Let me guess, you and your little friends have dressed up like the Misfits for Halloween every year that you didn't get together and dress up like KISS, right?" Totally bitchy. I start to pull up the picture to show him me as him, rolling my eyes, when he leans over and says, "Look, I am TRYING to help you and your cat get off the plane faster when we land, so would you SHUT THE FUCK UP?" I tell him he's being an asshole, and he goes "yeah, so what?"

Anyway. Plane lands smoothly and we are on a jungle island, in this big ass clearing. He walks over to me, carrying my cat because I'm loaded down with my stuff. While everyone is talking and trying to figure shit out, he puts Cooper at me feet and says, "by the way, nice shirt. And, yes, I've SEEN that picture and it AINT FUNNY. Now, you guys are gonna wind up getting out of here in a little bit, so when you get back to the States, claim my bags. Me, I'm going to stay here." I say, "what the fuck?" as he's walking off and he looks back over his shoulder and says, "I'm going to become their god"

Weird AF.
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by FairBolFL » Sun Nov 14, 2021 5:30 pm

So this isn't so much of a dream I've had during non-waking hours. It's more like a dream I have for my future; that sort of thing.

Ever since I was little, I've dreamt of having a gig on a major radio station. Think some of the ones in NYC....I wanted to do stuff on the non-"KLove" version of WPLJ for a long time. That specific vision won't happen now...but I digress.

In recent years, I've tapered down this dream a bit. These days, I want to eventually get a gig on a station like WEBE 108, which is the perennial leader in my local market. I still have the dream, though; still trying to make it happen. :)
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:52 pm

Jimmy is living in our camper on the property of my dad's old house. We're living in the house.

Over time, we get increasingly annoyed with each other, until verbal altercations turn into physical ones. At one point, I'm able to push him out of the upstairs window of the house, but he's able to grab onto the ledge so he doesn't fall. However, I act like I'm helping him not to fall, and "accidentally" lose grip and he falls. He doesn't die, but does break both of his legs.

Once he's healed I'm always looking over my shoulder for the next time he's gonna get the drop on me in retribution, though he swears we're all good.
Anthony Cumia, of the Opie & Anthony show after first a long illustrious radio career, then as a podcast mogul, is found by the authorities to be highly connected to the mob. When his house is raided, he's nowhere to be found, and it sits vacant for many years. I'm (much like the previous dream where I can zoom around a scene and see where something's happening, and also a lot like the movie Deja Vu), am able to rewind to the beginning of his time living in his house, see the progression of things (like how he has just 1 pool, then he builds a back deck with a 2nd pool), and also am able to manipulate some of the events that happen at the house to see how there might've been a different outcome.
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:31 pm

We're able to take a trip to England, and end up going to the studio of an Internet broadcaster that I've known for several years. His station has several DJs who hang out in the studio and broadcast throughout the morning and afternoon, and I get to hang out with them and be on their shows.

They also live in rooms off of the studio space, and I help one of the DJs move out at some point. They also have rooms for guests to stay in (which I at some point starting messing with the TV configuration so I can get Maryland TV and sports in England) and medical facilities, where I at some point get a checkup and possibly a COVID vaccine.

One early morning they have tryouts for DJs to replace the one that moved out, and I'm in bright and early socializing with everybody, sure that I'm a shoe-in for the job.
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:38 am

I've taken a new (or perhaps additional) job as a geek squad type person but for Walmart. It's Christmas time so my days are insanely busy, mostly helping nerdy types find the right cables for video and audio. I don't really have to ring them up, although I have some stress that i'll eventually have to due to staffing shortages
Twitches takes interest in moving into an exclusive community in Florida. I go to check it out. While it's not gated, there is a main office/restaurant building at the entrance always watching for cars to come in, and they stop me trying to drive in, demanding to know what I'm doing. I indicate that my wife and I are looking to move there, and while they're more welcoming, they talk me through all of the rules that they expect followed if we move there, and make me sign papers to say that I have been told and understand those rules. There are dues associated and certain time commitments expected to remain living there.

They then give me free reign of the property to check it out. It's pretty unimpressive, with a lot of old crappy unkept looking trailers and cabins. There is a nice main street-type shopping area that I park outside of at some point, and go on foot to investigate further. It's pretty void of other shoppers, and I stop by a blue mailbox at some point to mail out something, probably the beer I'm sending to my Schmecret Fanta.
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:12 am

I'm part of a group that's militantly against the carbon footprints of humanity. We're holed up in an empty parking garage in Milwaukee. We set off an explosion which destroys a dam and floods the city. There's a watery trench beside the building of an undetermined depth.

Later, people who are displaced from the floods try to come into our parking garage because it's the only dry place. Things get violent but luckily somebody just agrees to let them live on our property outside of the building so there's no bloodshed. People continue to migrate in droves, and surround the outside of the building.

While I'm on a patrol outside, a large amount of federal agents, swarm towards the building. I barely make it back inside to warn everybody when flashbangs start going off and chaos erupts. Arrests are made, and I end up in prison with one of the people from the group. We're in prison for quite awhile and hatch a plan to escape. We get out and go back to the scene of the crime, where the city is rebuilt bigger and better than ever, and the trench that we made with the flood now has a state-of-the-art sports complex in it.

I somehow meet up with Elijah Wood who takes me back to his house in his smart car. He tries to get me to sleep with him in one of his two bedrooms -- one which is glassed in on all sides and is freezing cold, and the other where there are no walls or roof, and his bed is cold and wet with snow in it.

We end up going to run errands in town, where I'm recognized, and federal agents start chasing me. I end up on the roof of a building with agents surrounding me on the ground, and a helicopter on its way.
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:50 pm

My ex-roommates/ex-friends are working at the helpdesk at the same company as me. They're sort of cordial to me, and I think that might mean that we'll be friends again. I try to show my friendship by microwaving my friend's dinner for her then bringing it back up to the helpdesk, but while it's microwaving, I get sidetracked in the cafeteria and forget about the food for an undetermined amount of time. When I finally remember, I try to call up to the helpdesk to apologize and tell her that i'll be up soon, but I keep dialing the wrong number, sometimes having to start over cause I realize it, and sometimes I reach a completely different person and have to hang up and try again.
I've shopped a few times at a new store chain that Walmart owns called Blue. Because of the very minimalist and tight layout of the store, customers get confused and try to take their purchases to a counter that looks like it could be customer service, but it's not currently in use. The first time I went, I made the mistake, and they directed me over to where I'm supposed to check-out, and told me it happens all the time, and they used to have a sign at that desk saying not to bring purchases there, but somebody stole it. The second time I go, I help them direct customers away from the empty desk and over where they're supposed to be because the sign is still missing. I ask them if they can get another sign and they said they have no way, because they have nobody they can talk to, only an email address to send to.

After I leave the store, I try emailing the address and get no response. The next time I'm at a Walmart, they have some signs up Customer Service which do indicate the Blue brand. I go up and ask them how a Blue store that needs a new sign can get one, and they can't help. I ask if there's anybody I or they can call and they openly laugh at me. I respond by trashing the customer service area, pushing anything onto the floor that's not attached (pens, phones, computer monitors).
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:19 am

Sidenote: One of my Facebook friends started a conversation after I had this dream about houses, and finding other rooms that were never there before, and a lot of other people also said they had similar dreams.

We have a family reunion at the house I grew up in (the one that was demolished over a decade ago now). Those old friends are there again. Much like one of the bad moments in real life that I had with them when I decided to go off and do my own thing, figuring that by the time I got back they will have left, I wander.

In this dream, we don't own the property anymore (I guess just squatting), and there are two other houses on the property (in the dream not in real life) that I wander into.. The first has a grand foyer with a chandalier overhead. This foyer has been redecorated since the last time I was there, but I suspect it's still got the same 9 floors above it which have a bunch of similarly decorated and layed out bedrooms, most of them never used.

I go to the other house, which is currently being used for somebody's wedding reception. Since I feel like this property was once mine so I can do whatever I want, I saddle up to the buffet and make myself a fully loaded plate. The bride comes over and starts talking to me as I'm stuffing my face, and I accidentally drop some of the food (purple in color for some reason) on her dress, staining it. Her and the entirety of the reception are now chasing me, and I jump over a table blocking my exit, and get away.
Sidenote: Real life conversations have every effect on one's dreams, as part of this will be appearing in an upcoming AKApodcast skit and the other part is in an upcoming Pixar movie

I'm on an airplane flight to Australia. Much of the time we're not really flying, either cruising at very low altitudes, or driving in fields. It's a huge military-style plane, and my family is on the other side of it with no way to get to them from inside the plane. At one point, since we're on the ground, and the plane is flying slowly, I leave the plane with the intent to run across the top to the other side and get back in.. But we're currently in a snowy climate and the plane is covered in it, so I slip off the top onto the ground.

I'm somehow able to get back on top of the plane just as Calhoun from Wreck-It-Ralph comes out of the sky, fighting some aliens. Some of the aliens touch me, and I turn into a big red panda. The aliens are able to penetrate the plane and other passengers also turn into various animals and creatures. We and our non-converted humans have to learn to live and work with each other for the remainder of our flight.
Sidenote: Real life stress always makes its way into your dreams

After over a year of searching for a new job and finding nothing, one day at my current job reaches the tipping point, and I rage quit at 2pm in the afternoon on a Friday, ripping my badge off my shirt and winging it at my boss, sweeping contents of my desk onto the floor, and storm out the door.

I continue the job search for an undetermined amount of time, and then decide just to go back to the office and beg for my job back. Strangely, my boss hasn't really reported my outburst, and we have a meeting where he tells me punishments are coming my way, and corrections I need to make. I them go back to work as if nothing ever happened
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Re: The Dream Log

Post by SquigY0 » Thu May 12, 2022 9:14 pm

I've traveled back in time to the 70s. I spend a lot of time going to tapings of Saturday Night Live, which for some reason is being done at an outdoor venue. The cast recognizes that I've been there often, and they (I believe Chevy Chase) invites me to an after-party from the stage. Later I'm riding on a bus and am watching SNL clips on my tablet; others are watching it with me, not at all confused as to how I've got these episodes in the palm of my hand.
I've had several dreams since "leaving" my job about still being contacted by them to consult on things that they can't figure out. In one such dream, they call me to help with problems they're having with a product called MICHEL. I've never heard of this product, and ask for the correct pronunciation of it so I can speak with some accuracy. A woman on the call speaks up and says that information has already been provided in the packet preceding this call, I should refer to this packet, and that question should not be asked nor will it be answered on this call.
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