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Re: The Dream Log

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 8:45 am
by SquigY0

Re: The Dream Log

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:12 pm
by Turtle
SquigY0 wrote: Sat Sep 02, 2023 4:35 pm I must be dreaming! Turtle's here? :O

Re: The Dream Log

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:11 am
by SquigY0
This is a dream that's stuck me for awhile, and I've been meaning to post it. Most of the other ones I mean to post I've completely forgotten about.

I'm at my "new house in Florida" however it doesn't look like this house; it kind of looks like the house that I grew up but only one room of it. My friend Doug is visiting me and a package comes for him from his friend Shane (who's been dead for a couple of years IRL). Inside the package is a severed hand, I'm guessing as some kind of psycho warning to Doug that he better not try to get away from him and move to Florida or something. I flip out, close the package, kind of throw it in a corner behind the treadmill and call the police. The detective that responds is a woman in a swimsuit, I'm guessing because she was just on the beach and was just called to this scene. She cordons the whole house off as a crime scene and they begin searching all the rooms, and ask me a lot of questions that imply that I had something to do with the severed hand. I wake up before it's resolved.

Re: The Dream Log

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:36 am
by Katlizy
I didn't know this thread existed.. I have some Effed up dreams

The gummys make them more fun. hmm.

Re: The Dream Log

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:03 am
by SquigY0
Woodstock 99 ended way worse. Almost everybody there died. A group of 8 of us escaped, slowly making our way back to civilization on foot. We all bonded in our journey but lost touch over the years. Recently, there was a documentary about escape, but I wasn't invited to participate. Watching the documentary brought previous memories that I forgot about flooding back, especially about Beth, one of the escapees, who I got really close with.

I found her on Facebook and sent a friend request. A little while later I got an email from her.