AKApodcast Episode 9

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AKApodcast Episode 9

Post by Jimmy » Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:36 pm

Sorry we're late. Due to unforeseen circumstances the original edit of Episode 9 was confiscated by the FBI Monday night at Squigyo's new Florida home. Not a lot of info available on that but we promise to keep you up to date on the story as it develops,

But with that being said, its finally here, and absolutely worth the wait. First, we're required by law to issue a warning. This episode may cause extreme feminine dampness because I bring the sex, and I bring it hard. So be warned,

We have an awesome interview with Mama Ballz, mother of our own DJ Cannonballz, who is just a very cool lady with a lot of insight into why most of you are just uncaring dumbasses.

All this plus of course a bunch of other stuff. Give it a listen, a few stars and a review wouldn't hurt either. Stop being so damn selfish. Mama Ballz is right.

https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/akap ... 2_55-07_00

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